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Immediate impact after NZCFS-organised Media Tour of China

There’s been a swift and positive response to the NZCFS media tour to Shanghai and Beijing from 18- 24 May with live reports on radio during the tour and feature stories in leading newspapers within days of their return.

SENSORY OVERLOAD:  There's no hiding the excitement as the media team get their first sight of Shanghai streets. L to R; Sally Rae  Agriculture Editor, Otago Daily Times;  Liam Dann, Business Editor, NZ Herald; Heather McCarron, Reporter Radio Live; and David White, photographer for the Herald and the NZ Listener.
SENSORY OVERLOAD:  The media team get their first sight of Shanghai streets.  L to R; Sally Rae Agriculture Editor, Otago Daily Times; Liam Dann, Business Editor, NZ Herald; Heather McCarron, Reporter Radio Live; and David White, photographer for the Herald and the NZ Listener.

 First up was Simon Day in the Sunday-Star Times with a handsome feature on Fonterra’s dairy farm outside Beijing, closely followed the next day with an opinion piece from NZ Herald editor Liam Dann about China’s rebalancing act as they aim to reduce GDP growth to 7.5%.  Both publications acknowledged the assistance of the NZCFS.

Liam Dann put it this way: “I’ve had access to high-ranking Government officials, media executives, economists, academics and even political activitists.  Much of it has been off the record.  But the discussions have been in-depth and surprisingly frank.


EN ROUTE TO BEIJING: David White and Liam Dann with Listener Freelancer Conrad Heine and Youxie newcomer Ding Li  (a.k.a. Lesley)
EN ROUTE TO BEIJING: David White and Liam Dann with Listener Freelancer Conrad Heine and Youxie newcomer Ding Li (a.k.a. Lesley)Also on the delegation were Sally Rae, Agriculture editor of the Otago Daily Times, Listener columnist Conrad Heine, Radio Live reporter Heather McCarron and photographer David White who captured images for the NZ Herald, the Listener and the Otago Daily Times.

Also on the delegation were Sally Rae, Agriculture editor of the Otago Daily Times, Listener columnist Conrad Heine, Radio Live reporter Heather McCarron and photographer David White who captured images for the NZ Herald, the Listener and the Otago Daily Times.

The delegation was led by Vice-president George Andrews, and this tour is the first completed project to be funded from the initial round of the Simon  Deng Li Fund for Cultural Exchange.

The Sunday Star Times presented a mini documentary on Radio Live Business Hour between 11am and Midday on Sunday morning (2 June), with a further illustrated feature on Fonterra in the NZ Herald and the Otago Daily Times has already had two articles.

We would like to acknowledge all the help that Youxie gave us in making this Media Tour such a success. 

Click on the links below for already published articles:

Simon Day’s article in the Sunday Star Times: http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/dairy/8717483/Why-export-when-you-can-milk-it-abroad

Liam Dann’s NZ Herald article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/liam-dann/news/article.cfm?a_id=106&objectid=10886319

Sally Rae’s articles in the Otago Times: http://www.odt.co.nz/news/business/259307/china-success-down-get-and-go-go-go and http://www.odt.co.nz/news/farming/259491/milking-our-cows-chin

      George Andrews Vice President NZCFS,

President Auckland branch

June 2, 2013