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New Zealand China Friendship Society (NZCFS) offers a “NZCFS Youth Friendship Ambassador (YFA) fund ” that is open to young New Zealanders to engage in activity in China.


To provide opportunity for one or two young New Zealanders to engage in China in an in depth way.


The successful applicants may be in the areas of

  • participation in voluntary community projects;
  • establishing youth partnerships in China for ongoing relationships and future exchange
  • specific cultural learning or other educational topic

but not exclusive of other activity.

This fund does not dictate what the successful applicant should do, but rather asks applicants to design their own proposal within these broad guidelines. Projects with clear objectives and outcomes and activity achievable within the budget will be preferred. Applications will be strengthened if a report can identify or suggest future youth exchange and friendship activity.

This opportunity to apply for a YFA is not aimed at scholarships for Chinese language study, or youth exchange that is provided through other channels, eg Asia NZ Foundation/Youxie young leaders delegation to China. Rather, it offers a complementary opportunity to engage deeply in Chinese society in line with NZCFS’ strength: “building new friendships on solid foundations”.

Who may apply?

The fund targets New Zealand youth up to 25 years of age, but will consider applicants up to 30 years of age.

The fund provides up to $5000 for each successful applicant, and can be used to cover international airfares, visa costs, insurances, travel requirements in China, per diem expenses in China, and any other services, eg translation/interpreting that is identified by the applicants. It is open to young New Zealanders in New Zealand, or currently residing in China. It is suggested that a 6-8 week period could be managed with the level of funding.

NZCFS invites discussion on project ideas prior to developing them to application stage. Where possible, NZCFS can assist with matching partners to work with, and offer advice on expenses and budget preparation.

Following completion of the project, a report will be required by NZCFS that explains what was done, what achievements were made


For the application form, please click HERE.

Applications should be sent to Dave Bromwich [email protected] by 20 January 2015.  Selection of the one or two YFAs will be completed by February 15.  

The project should aim to be concluded by August 30 2015, although this will be flexible.

For further information, discussion or advice, please contact Dave at the above email address, or call +64 68779930.

For an article on the Youth Friendship Ambassadors of 2014, click HERE