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Christchurch Harcourts Gold Spitfire Art Competition Prizegiving – December 2024


The prizegiving ceremony at Tūranga (Christchurch Central Library) on Saturday 7 December was the culmination of several months of hard work by the branch committee. As in the previous two years, entries were called for in three age categories from schools around the South Island, with the theme of the competition being Fostering Friendship. Approximately 125 entries were received, and these were judged by local artists Lieve Bierque and Cai Li’Ying; not an easy task as the standard was very high.

This was the third year of the competition, and undoubtedly the most successful; the energy in the room confirmed that.

Photo: Dave Adamson

On the day of the prizegiving, we had the very happy ‘problem’ of having more people than we had chairs; there were over 120 people there, probably twice as many as last year! It was wonderful to see the proud parents with their children, as well as grandparents and teachers of course. Excited children were steering mum and dad over to where their artwork was being displayed, and many photos were taken; there was a real buzz in the air.

Brief speeches were made by branch president Chris Goodwin, Chris Kennedy, Managing Director of Harcourts Gold (the very generous sponsors of this competition, Thank You guys!), Consul General Madam He Ying, Cr Tyla Harrison-Hunt, judge Cai Li’Ying and our society’s patron Sir David Carter.

 NZCFS National Patron Sir David Carter with prize winners. Photo: John Tan

Madam He Ying, Chinese Consul General of the People’s Republic of China with prize winners. Photo: John Tan

Prizes were then given to the winners in each category. It was charming to stand back and watch the children excitedly go up to get their prizes; a great moment for them and their families. Small gifts donated by the Chinese Consulate were also given to those students who did not win a prize but whose artwork was highly commended by the judges.

Each child was also given a very attractive Certificate of Participation in recognition of of their contribution to the competition.


Photo: John Tan

Photo: John Tan

Cultural performances were interspersed throughout the prizegiving ceremony.

15 year old Ryan Wang did a superb job as MC for the function; measured and confident. This young man will go far!

On a personal note, I would like to say I was impressed by each of the speeches. They were mercifully short, and all managed to say the right things to the children there on the day; they did not speak over their heads but spoke from the heart. All in all, a heartwarming and uplifting occasion.

Harcourts Gold have assured us they will continue to support this annual competition, for which we are very grateful as this competition is becoming a feature of the Christchurch branch’s annual calendar of events. So then, watch this spot next year!