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Article Request: Ramai and Rudall Hayward


Ramai and Rudall Hayward were New Zealand film makers. In the 1950s they were allowed to visit China, and had no controls put on what they filmed or who they spoke to. Out of this came the very fascinating movie Inside Red China. Our society had a DVD made of it some years ago, which included comments from amongst others previous New Zealand Ambassador to China John McKinnon.

Our society is in the throes of putting together a number of short stories on prominent New Zealanders who have been involved with China in one way or another. At the moment we are looking for a member of our society who would be prepared to write an article for our website on this fascinating couple. It does not need to be long; 2000 words would be ideal.

If you think this is something you would enjoy doing, please contact our National Secretary Dave Adamson [email protected]