Home Dunedin News and Events CHINA 10: NZC...

CHINA 10: NZCFS Dunedin Branch Get-Together 10 December 2016


Come and meet those who have been to China this year – and see their 10 best pictures or stories – relax and share. NZCFS Dunedin Branch members bring your partners and family. Food provided (BBQ and Chinese).

Non members – $5. 

5.00 -7.00pm

Venue: St John’s, Roslyn (ask the NZCFS Dunedin Branch Secretary if you need directions).


We welcome back President Paul Fawcett from an extensive tour of the north; Rob Duffy from cycling in Tibet; Craig and Liz Holmes from Sichuan and Shaanxi; committee members Annie, Simon and Miao; Anne Ford back from Beijing University; Marc Schallenberg from the NZCFS Environmental Delegation; also those who took part in the recent NZCFS South West Tour and others who have visited China this year; and we welcome some recent new members. 

Our December get-together should be full of stories from many different places in China!