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Christchurch Branch New Year Banquet


A total of 106 people sat down to dine on 29 January for what it would be fair to say was one of our most successful banquets.

The evening started with committee member Felicia’s Polish boyfriend Daniel playing several tunes for us on his piano accordion. It’s always nice to have something different!

We were honoured to have in attendance our society’s National President Chris Lipscombe, Deputy Consul General : 副总领事 Zhai Xingfu : 翟兴付, our National Patron Sir David Carter and Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter as well as two local MPs. Attendance at that level really helps to emphasise the importance, relevance and profile of our society.

(Mercifully) brief speeches were given by the various dignitaries. It was great to see some friends we hadn’t seen for some time; welcome back Luba Roth!!

Committee member Laura Carter did a very good job of being MC for the evening. In fact, she does it so well she may well become our permanent MC for events!

The branch committee, looking satisfied after a successful banquet!

All in all, a wonderful evening of good food and company, which shows our society is in good health. We look forward to seeing many of the diners at our future events.