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Finding Rewi Alley: Following the Footsteps of China’s most loved Kiwi


Andy Boreham, our member at large and journalist for Shanghai Daily, begins his search with these words: As a foreigner living in China, it’s easy to start feeling like you’re just an irrelevant cog in a massive machine, and question whether you’ll ever truly be able to make an impact here. Those worries started to creep up for me during my months working from home under COVID-19, so I decided to dive deep into the life of a fellow New Zealander who not only left a huge mark here, but is still remembered fondly by millions of Chinese. His name is Rewi Alley…………

His full report in July 4 2020 Shanghai Daily is here link to pdf

For the video he made of his search, go to https://www.shine.cn/feature/art-culture/2006301174/