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Mask Donations around New Zealand


Sichuan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries have donated and sent 5,120 masks to New Zealand. They were received in Hamilton. Chengdu and Hamilton are sister cities. The overall philosophy was to forward masks in the spirit of Kathleen Hall- to reach out to community health activities and needs.

Of these, 2,560 masks went to Auckland (there will be a separate report from Michael about how they were distributed). 500 masks were donated by Hamilton Branch to Maori 2020 Koronei Hana (an annual event commemorating the coronation of the Maori King); 400 sent to Christchurch Branch, 150 to Tauranga Branch; 60 to Rotorua Branch, and 500 distributed to the membership of Hamilton Branch.

Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries have donated 1,000 masks, which were received early September. These can be distributed as need arises.

In Christchurch, Yang Zhou from the NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association donated masks to the Christchurch branch of NZCFS and Michelle MacWilliam donated these to Shakti, an organization for migrant women and children.