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Finding Rewi Alley: Following the Footsteps of China’s most love...
Andy Boreham, our member at large and journalist for Shanghai Daily, begins his search with these words: As a foreigner living in China, it’...
Rewi Alley’s Shanghai Days
Transcript of an interview between Andy Boreham and Dave Bromwich about Rewi Alley and his time in Shanghai
Can you briefly introduce you...
NZCFS Wellington Branch November 2017 Newsletter
Final Branch Meeting for 2017
Wednesday, 15 November at 5:45pm
Lisa Terreni and Rachel Denee
will speak on
Kindergarten Curriculum Innov...
Shuangshipu Cave Houses – Shaanxi
Rewi Alley's China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi province > Gansu province > Shandan > Lanzhou >
Bust of Rewi Alley, Qingpu Cemetery, Shanghai
Rewi Alley's China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi province > Gansu province > Shandan > Lanzhou >
Rewi Alley’s Residence in Honghu, Hubei Province
Rewi Alley's China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi province > Gansu province > Shandan > Lanzhou >
Statue of Rewi Alley, Fengxian, Shaanxi province
Rewi Alley's China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi province > Gansu province > Shandan > Lanzhou >
Rewi Alley Youth Tour 2017 – Youth engagement in the Inte...
If the average Kiwi were asked if he knew Rewi Alley, chances are that he would say ‘no’. But Rewi Alley was significant in changing an e...
NZCFS Projects in Northwest China
NZCFS have delivered a range of projects in the NW of China. They all started in Shandan, situated in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu. Shandan is...
New to New Zealand?
Advice for International Students and Hosts.
We hope the following may be helpful to all concerned, especially educational institutions w...
Shandan Bailie School
Throughout its existence the New Zealand China Friendship Society has had a special relationship with the Shandan Bailie School, founded...