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Notice of Passing of Wgtn branch Life Member, Joan Mckibbin


Dear Members and Friends

It is with sadness that we send you news of the passing, last month, of NZCFS (Wgtn) Life Member, Joan Mckibbin.


Joan Caroline Mckibbin

Born 10 April 1936 in New Plymouth.

Died peacefully in her sleep on 2nd November 2019 after a short stay in Hutt Hospital.

Joan was married to Robert for 61 years (also a Life Member of NZCFS who resides in Upper Hutt) and has two adult sons Adrian and Jeremy, three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Joan had a long and passionate career as a nurse both in NZ and overseas including the Middle East and Great Britain.

She was also heavily involved in many charities over several decades and was the proud but humble recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for work with the National Council Of Women. Life Membership was also bestowed on Joan by this organisation.

Both Joan and Rob had a great love of travel and visited Australia, the Pacific Islands, many parts of the middle east, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and of course China. Joan had a great love of all cultures and peoples and had a particular affinity and respect for China and it’s peoples.

Over recent years both Joan and Rob had to give up driving and with living in Upper Hutt, and the NZCFS meeting being held in Wellington, they found it too hard to commute to the meetings with the last meeting they attended being their Life Membership ceremony.

Joan spoke very fondly of the NZCFS and the people she met through the organisation.