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Projects receiving Rewi Alley Friendship and Exchange Funding – 2016

Beijing Rewi Alley Portrait
Portrait of Rewi Alley, painted by Deng Bangzhen, one of the boys adopted by Rewi. It is located in Rewi’s old Beijing apartment, now the Rewi Alley museum in the Youxie compound.

The New Zealand China Friendship Society’s ‘Rewi Alley Friendship and Exchange’ (RAFE) Fund began in 2012 to mark the 60th Anniversary of the founding the New Zealand China Friendship Society (NZCFS), and to reflect the spirit of Rewi Alley in promoting friendly exchange between China and New Zealand.

According to the Memorandum of Understanding for the RAFE fund, a sum of 200,000 RMB (approximately $NZ40,000) was to be provided annually, for a period of five years from 2012, to the NZCFS by the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development.

All funds will be used for consolidating and deepening friendship between the peoples of China and New Zealand, and pushing forward bilateral friendly exchanges and cooperation, along with supporting the following types of projects:

  1. Projects commemorating the legacy of Rewi Alley
  2. Other projects in terms of cultural and art exchange, educational exchange and youth exchange which aim to promote China-New Zealand friendship
  3. Friendly exchange projects agreed by all parties


Each year the RAFE sub-committee calls for basic concept plans to be submitted from branches for a project. Submitters whose concept plans the committee consider are worthy of further development are asked to submit a full application. The committee considers these, and makes recommendations to NZCFS National Executive.

2016 Projects

The following projects have received RAFE funding allocations, as the funds will be used for consolidating and deepening friendship between the peoples of China and New Zealand, and pushing forward bilateral friendly exchanges and cooperation.  The projects fulfil one or more of the criteria:

1. Commemorating the legacy of Rewi Alley 
2. Involve cultural and art exchange, educational exchange and youth exchange which aim to promote China-New Zealand friendship 
3. Involve friendly exchange projects

1. Past and Modern Wonders:

A study trip for young engineers/engineering students to visit past and modern engineering wonders in China. Beijing, Hubei/Hunan, Shanghai; 9-10 days.

For more details and application information, click HERE

Mentor: Deborah Robertson (Wellington Branch).  Amount requested: $NZ10,000; Amount allocated: $10,000.

2. Rewi Alley Memorial Garden:

A Chinese garden to be built in Amberley’s Chamberlain Park, to celebrate the work and legacy of Rewi Alley, and to recognise the recently formed sister district relationship between Hurunui District and Beijing’s Changping district.

Mentors: Sean Ryan and Chris Goodwin (Christchurch Branch).  Amount requested: $6,000; Amount allocated: $6,000.

3. Rewi Alley schools competition:

Preparation and development of material, promotion and prizes for intermediate and secondary school children at two different levels for speeches and videos on Rewi Alley, his legacy, and relevance of his educational methods today.

Note: Could be extended nationally after a trial run in Canterbury.

Mentor: Eric Livingstone (Past National President, member of Christchurch Branch).  Amount requested: $7,800; Amount allocated: $4,500.

4. Rewi Alley Tourist Trail material:

Preparation and development of material for a Rewi Alley historical tourist trail in Christchurch, Springfield and Amberley, in the form of a presentation story book to cover 28 aspects of Rewi’s life.

Mentor: Eric Livingstone (Christchurch Branch).  Amount requested: $8297; Amount allocated: $5,500.

5. Xinxing support for children at risk:

Provide professional support and training for staff and volunteers at the Baoji-based Xinxing for Street Kids, an NGO which provides shelter and support for children up to 16 who have become dislocated from their family environments.

This is a modern-day example of Rewi Alley’s philosophy, which could give an opportunity to retain the standing of NZCFS in community development issues in NW China.

Mentor: Dave Bromwich (National President).  Amount requested: $11,720; Amount allocated: $11,720.

6.  Guilin Children’s Palace Exchange:

10-12 children and four adults from Guilin Children’s Palace to NZ in 2017 for nine days.  Follow on from Hawkes Bay Orchestra Society visit to Guilin in 2016.

Continuing excellent youth exchanges.

Mentor:  Heiko Lade (Hawkes Bay Branch).  Amount requested: $3620; Amount allocated: $3620.

7.  Memorials of the Past:

Bring to life the story of Kathleen Hall.  Second year of a two-year project; a DVD is to be produced.

Mentor: Miao Fan (Hamilton Branch).  Amount requested: $3000; Amount allocated:  $3000.

For the seven projects, the total allocation for 2016 is $42,340.  The total funds available $41,100.  The RAFE Fund committee congratulates the proposers of the selected projects on the quality both of their presentations and also on the originality of the ideas behind them, some of which have opportunities for broad outcomes.

It should be noted that 2016 is the final year funding is available for RAFE Fund projects.  At the moment, it is unclear whether future funding will be available from other sources to continue it. 

Dave Adamson (Chair RAFE Fund Committee)