The New Zealand Bailie Training Base and New Zealand China Friendship Society have joined together to continue the work of Rewi Alley to celebrate and advance the friendship between New Zealand and Chin, and to ensure Rewi Alley is remembered by future generations in New Zealand.
After a year of significant planning, investment and preparation the Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall is ready to be shared. Due to Covid-19 restrictions on August 20, 2021, the opening of the Hall was conducted via an online opening ceremony. This was a collaboration between the New Zealand Bailie Training Base, the New Zealand China Friendship Society and the three Bailie Schools in China.
A face to face meeting will be held when travel allows. The Hall will be open to the public, and groups of students will be invited to learn about Rewi and his contribution to the establishment of modern China, and to the building of the New Zealand China relationship. Planning and discussion is already underway to hold seminars on promoting cooperatives and Bailie training approaches in New Zealand.
For more, please read the Rewi Alley opening ceremony speeches report(PDF).