NZCFS Rotorua Branch April Newsletter
Greetings to everyone:
There are several things to mention in this newsletter. Firstly is still this month’s meeting. Because our normal meeting time falls into ANZAC day long weekend, as mentioned in last newsletter, our NEXT regular meeting will be
TIME: 12:30 P.M.
At beginning is our AGM and then we will have Tony Li as a speaker.
As many of you know, Tony moved to Rotorua at the end of last year from Christchurch. As an international student, he has been a member of the Christchurch branch for over two years. He will talk about two topics, the toys and games that he enjoyed in his childhood and his high school life. In China, toys for kids are very different from NZ and Tony is going to share some funny stories between the toys and himself. He will then talk about his three years attendance at No. 1 Middle School affiliated to China’s Central Normal University, which is a top-three high school in China.
We will start with our regular shared lunch before the AGM. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy the afternoon.
Our next regular meeting will be the 22 May at the usual meeting time. The Chinese language students from Laytee George’s class will be our guests for this meeting. Prof. Yang, the Deputy Director of the Victory University Confucius Institute, has confirmed to be our guest for the July meeting, while the June meeting is still to be confirmed.
The National AGM and Conference will be held at Tauranga Historic Village during 27th (Friday) and 29th (Sunday) May. The opening ceremony starts on Friday night and the AGM will be held Sunday morning. The 28th is the whole-day for the conference programme. Detailed schedule, registration form and other related info can all be found on our national website page here,
For the next newsletter, we are planning on adding a small section to introduce Chinese culture and/or help everyone who is interested in improving their Chinese reading and writing. Please have a think about what you would like to have in our newsletter and bring your idea to our next meeting. Here are a few things that may be attractive to some.
• The Story about ancient Chinese legends, famous historical stories and ancient Chinese books.
· Some simple Chinese poems and stories of poets.
· Some excerpts of Chinese Characteristics by Arthur H. Smith and related examples in modern Chinese society. Although the book was written in 1894 most of phenomenon it discusses remains the same. A brief introduction and some reviews of this book can be found here.
· Simple tutorial of Chinese characters.
Thanks to Tony for putting this and future newsletters together for all of us.