The New Zealand China Friendship Society is fortunate to have as an honorary patron, Mr Simon Deng Li MNZM. In 2012, Mr Deng Li and NZCFS entered into a joint Memorandum of Understanding to establish The Simon Deng Li Fund. Over 5 years, a sum of 1 million RMB was available to the NZCFS, with 200,000 RMB being available on October 1st of each year. In 2017, Simon Deng recommited his support for the New Zealand Friendship Society for another five years.
All funds will be used to assist the NZCFS consolidate and deepen friendship between the peoples of China and New Zealand.
Exhibitions, performances, publications of all kinds including but not limited to books, films and new media that advance friendship and understanding between the two countries will be funded, and educational and youth exchanges which aim to promote China-New Zealand friendship will be considered by the vetting and administration committee.
Guidelines for Application for the 2017-2018 Simon Deng Li Fund: Each year, our Honorary Patron Mr Simon Deng Li and NZCFS invite applications from NZCFS Branches, NZCFS sub-committees, and elected Executive members:
Guidelines and Calls for Applications are sent out each year prior to the sitting of the Deng Fund Committee. For an example of the Guidelines, please click here.
Applicants are encouraged to submit a brief concept plan for their project prior to a full application. Applicants submitting more than one project should rank them in order of preference. It is hoped that this information will be of use and interest to all persons who are interested in applying for a grant from the Simon Deng Li fund.
Projects funded include:
To learn more about the projects which were funded in 2016 please click HERE. For information about 2015 projects please click HERE.
China Media Tour 2012: A delegation of NZ journalists visited China giving high-profile journalists open access to China, acknowledging NZCFS’ role and increasing our public profile.
Footsteps of Rewi Alley Youth Delegation: This was funded by the Simon Deng Li Fund, but all costs within China however were met in China.
Appo Hocton book: One book of historical interest has been published. Nelson branch organised a reprint of: ‘Appo Hocton Wong Ah Poo Hoc Ting, NZ’s First Chinese Immigrant, 1842-1920’ (first published in 2010 by Nelson Museum).
Support for Te Papa Exhibitions: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington, presents two exhibitions ‘Throne of Emperors’ and ‘Shi Lu: A Revolution in Paint’, directly from the National Museum of China, from 22nd March to 22nd June 2014.
With funding from the Simon Deng Li Fund, NZCFS is the official Education Partner and is facilitating free entry with educator-led programmes for school groups to these exhibitions, and is also subsidising transport for some lower decile schools.
Youth Friendship Ambassadors Project: Three young ambassadors have been chosen to visit China in 2014 to assist them with their individual projects.
Independent Research Internships for Secondary Students (IRIS): This project, which was initiated by Tauranga branch in 2013, is intended to support 2 students from Bay of Plenty secondary schools (Katikati to Te Puke inclusive and including Bethlehem College, Tauranga), in doing independent research in China. The topic “Differences between New Zealand and Chinese education including formal and informal learning” chosen by two Bethlehem students themselves, was accepted.
These two students have been reading and carrying out interviews with people who had had first hand experience of education in China and have written an initial hypothesis to be tested in December when they go to Nanchang to complete their research. They will present their final report to NZCFS Tauranga branch in February, 2014.
Inside Red China DVD: In January 2014, the original film ‘Inside Red China’ (1958), directed by Society members, Rudall and Ramai Hayward , was restored and enhanced, with the cost being covered by the Simon Deng Li Fund. The film includes Ramai presenting a beautiful Māori taonga (feather cloak) to Chairman Mao Zedong.