New Zealand China Friendship Society Inc.
Patron: The Hon Philip Burdon
Timaru Branch
President: Rev. Jim Hunter Secretary: Mrs. Ann White
4 Dixon Street 34 Rolling Ridges Road
Waimate 7924 No. 5 RD
Timaru 7975
Phone: 03 689 6446 Phone: 03-614-8944
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
JULY 2011
Four of our members, Ann White, Margaret Hunter, Brian Foley and Jim Hunter attended the AGM and Conference in Wellington. For three of us it was a new experience, full of interest and we were very impressed with the genuine welcome and friendship shown to newcomers by the members.
The scene for this was the Wellington Council Chambers, a magnificent historic building which the City had lent us for free.
The meetings were attended by staff from the Chinese Embassy and from Youxie, including Linda, who is nearing the end of her stay here.
There were Executive meetings on Friday and Sunday, and a series of interesting lectures and discussions on reports on the Saturday. There were some highlights – a paper on the number of schools in Rotorua who are learning Chinese and loving it, a slide show on the UNESCO recognition of some Chinese heritage sites, and the work that is being done in the different NZCFS Projects.
Ann has been appointed to the Tours Committee, which she is finding very interesting. Talk to her about it.
A major business matter for the last year and at the conference was the revision and changes to the Constitution with the registration of our organization as a charitable institution. This, and the correct process to be followed in aid fund applications, means that a government subsidy for each project can be approved. If people are interested, we could have the 5 or 6 pages of these printed off for people to borrow. One of the projects, the ‘Rabbit Farming’ took our attention and the committee has forwarded a donation of $400 to cover the cost of several rabbits.
Next year’s Conference and AGM is in Auckland. There are 15 branches and it moves around each year.(Auckland is warm in May – but often wet)
(Newsletter Editor Margaret Hunter)
Committee Meeting News
After much discussion and careful thought the committee have decided not to host the 2013 Conference in Timaru.
It was a unanimous decision by all those present.
Branch Meetings
Our branch meetings for the remainder of 2011 will be held in September and November.
To be held at the Red Cross Rooms commencing at 6.p.m with drinks with a meal to follow at 6.30.p.m
Meal with wine $18 meal without wine $16
SPEAKERS – Thye and Pauline Chan
TOPIC – NZCFS Discover China Tour April 2011
RSVP to Ann White by email : [email protected] or phone 614 8944 by Tuesday 6 September
Looking forward to seeing you all at our next meeting after the winter