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Timaru Branch Secretary meets He Ming Qing Scholars


Ann White reports on her meeting with He Ming Qing scholars

Ann White with HMQ Scholars Wang & Zhu. Guide Wang Fang on right.
Ann White with He Ming Qing Scholars Wang and Zhu.  Guide Wang Fang on right.

On April 17 while on the South East Tour, my husband Richard and I were privileged to meet two He Ming Qing Scholars, Wang Xue junior and Zhu Caixia who are studying at the Nanchang University.  They had previously been asked to come for a meal the evening before but their supervisors would not allow them to travel at night.  So arrangements were made for them to meet us for a luncheon next day.

Despite their English being very limited, we were able to ask questions through the Chinese Tour Guide Wang Fang and discovered two shy but committed young women who were grateful for their chance to study nursing.  My sister Ruth Scott was also present and as a nurse herself, was very interested in their training and future plans for nursing in their communities.  Meeting Xue and Caxia gave a real meaning to a project that was first mentioned to me by the late Val Penty a past President of our Branch. The Timaru Branch has been a constant supporter of this scholarship for many years and remains committed to contributing to it in the future.