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WCMT Funding Round 2019


May 1st is the opening for 2019 funding round which includes application for the biennial Winston Churchill NZ China Friendship Society Fellowship.

Other news you may be interested to see is that we have purchased the domain sites for the Trust and established a landing page at wcmt.co.nz

If you look at our FB page https://www.facebook.com/winstonchurchillmemorialtrustnz/ you will see that Bronwyn Smits of the NZCFS recently attended the Australian Convention of Fellows and shared the plenary session with the Hon. Jeremy Soames, Sir Winston’s grandson. She had some very engaging and supportive conversations with the two Chairs of the UK and Australian Trusts and is keen to keep pushing the NZ group to be more strategic and grow.

The updated link for this year’s application can be fund out https://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/winston-churchill-memorial-trust-fellowships/

And here is the 2019 flyer for the memorial trust.