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Wellington Branch AGM Notice




6:30 pm, Wednesday 21 April 2021

Newtown School Hall, Mein Street, Newtown, WELLINGTON

This is an official notice of our upcoming AGM as required by the Rules of the Society and notice of two proposed amendments to the Society’s rules, to be voted on at the meeting.

Amendment 1:
Clause 8.2 – “Committee”
Add an additional clause (h) which reads, “(h) Any Committee member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive Committee meetings (being those meetings referred to in clause 8.5 of these rules) may be permanently removed from the Committee by a majority of the remaining members of the Committee passing a resolution, within 60 days of the 3rd missed meeting, approving the removal of the Committee member.”

Amendment 2:
Clause 9.2 (e)
Delete the whole clause, which reads, “To appoint an Auditor.”

Amend the clause to read, “To determine the honorarium, if any, to be paid to the Branch Secretary and/or Branch Treasurer and/or the Branch Auditor.”

Clause 13.1 – “Duties of the Auditor”
Delete the existing words, and replace them with the following, “An Auditor may be appointed at any time, if a majority of the Committee members consider it is necessary, by the passing of a resolution voted in favour of by a majority of the Committee members. If such an Auditor is appointed, then clauses 13.2 and 13.3 of these rules shall apply. Furthermore, if an Auditor is appointed then Committee shall determine the honorarium, if any, to be paid to the Auditor, and such determination shall be approved by the passing of a resolution voted in favour of by a majority of the Committee members.”

Voting at the AGM
To vote at the AGM or to nominate any person to the Committee or to one of the Officer positions on the Committee you must be a current financial (paid-up) member of the Society.

If you are not already, but wish to become a current financial member of the Society, please use this online form to complete the membership subscription, or email the Wellington Branch Secretary for further information.

Emails should be sent to:  The Secretary [email protected]

A nomination form is available if you wish to nominate any person to the Committee or to one of the Officer positions on the Committee.

If you wish to nominate someone, please email the Wellington Branch Secretary for a copy of the nomination form.

Emails should be sent to:  The Secretary [email protected]

Further details regarding the meeting, including an agenda, will be emailed to you nearer the time. We hope to see you there.

Chris Lipscombe
President, Wellington Branch