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Wellington Branch Meeting Gets Coverage in China

Wellington Branch Meeting
Wellington Branch Meeting

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited New Zealand and met with Prime Minister John Key from 19 to 21 November 2014. The NZCFS Wellington Branch meeting was held on 19 November, and as well as a speech by Terence O’Brien on international co-operation with China, the USA, and New Zealand, we welcomed another important guest. Kejiang Guan from the People’s Daily, the largest daily newspaper in China, attended our meeting to learn more about the Society.

Mr Guan filmed parts of the meeting, including the showing of the ‘Inside Red China’ film.  He also conducted a number of interviews about members’ views of the relationship between New Zealand and China.  The video showed interviews with the speaker Terence O’Brien, Branch President Michael Powles, members Kirk McDowall and Helen Fawthorpe.

To read the article and watch the video on the People’s Daily website, which has been available to millions of viewers in China, please visit http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2014-11/20/nw.D110000renmrb_20141120_5-02.htm

A link to the video only: http://tv.people.com.cn/n/2014/1119/c364580-26056574.html 

A pdf of the article only: rmrb20141120