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Wellington Newsletter May 2019


Dear Friends

Attached is the NZ China Friendship Society (Wgtn branch) May 2019, Newsletter.

Please note in the Newsletter:

1. National Conference – May 2019
The NZ China Friendship Society will hold its National Conference in Wellington on May 24, 25, 26. (Registration form and details in Newsletter.)

2. Monthly Meeting – NO meeting in May
With the National Conference being this month there will be no Branch meeting held in May. The next Branch meeting will be held on Wednesday 19 June 2019, at Connolly Hall.

3. Membership Subs
Membership subscriptions for the 2019 financial year are due. If you are able to become a financial member (and have not already done so) it greatly assists in our ability to run events and other activities. (Membership form and details in Newsletter.)