Attached is the NZ China Friendship Society (Wgtn branch) November 2019, Newsletter.
Please note in the Newsletter:
1. Professor Cynthia White, Dai Chujie and Huan Huang will be speaking on the The Potential of Technology in Extending Chinese Language Learning Opportunities in New Zealand
What are some of the innovations in Chinese language learning opportunities in New Zealand? What new opportunities are opened up by technology? In this talk Professor Cynthia White, Dai Chujie and Huan Huang from Massy University will show some recent New Zealand-based research into one-to-one Chinese language teaching carried out using desktop videoconferencing, pairing Beijing Language and Culture University teachers and New Zealand learners of Chinese. The speakers will showcase how these innovative learning opportunities provide convenient, accessible, personalised learning opportunities. To conclude they will look ahead to the ways in which technology can help extend NZ capability in Mandarin whether for personal interest, for commercial and strategic benefits or to enhance workforce capital As this is our last Branch meeting for the year, ice cream and fruit salad will be provided, following an optional buffet meal at 7pm, for $13 each. Please pay at the door or electronically. 2. CHINESE NEW YEAR BANQUET – SATURDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2020
The Wellington Branch invites you to join us welcoming in the Year of the Rat at our Chinese New Year Banquet on Saturday 8 February 2020 (which is also the day of the Lantern Festival). The banquet will be co-hosted with the Wellington Chinese Association and will be held at Grand Century Chinese Restaurant, 84 Tory Street, Wellington, at the cost of $35 per person (includes wine and juice). To RSVP, please either fill out the form at the end of the newsletter and email it to [email protected], or RSVP online at: 3. NZCFS MEMBERSHIPS FOR THE 2020 YEAR
Memberships are open for the 2020 year. To commence / renew your membership for next year, please fill out the form at the back of the newsletter, or with your banquet RSVP.