{"id":16019,"date":"2014-04-08T15:58:45","date_gmt":"2014-04-08T03:58:45","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/nzcfs.adminmouse.co.nz\/?p=16019"},"modified":"2015-02-08T06:34:28","modified_gmt":"2015-02-07T17:34:28","slug":"natalie-bowies-diary-from-shandan-contd-march-2014","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nzchinasociety.org.nz\/natalie-bowies-diary-from-shandan-contd-march-2014\/","title":{"rendered":"Natalie Bowie\u2019s diary from Shandan, contd\u2026 March 2014"},"content":{"rendered":"
500 statues of Buddhist monks in ‘Dafuzi’ temple<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

This month Natalie has posted many fascinating photos on her blog<\/a>\u00a0(as well as lots of news): \u00a0Lots of small children in the parks on Sunday afternoons; trips to a traditional Chinese doctor and her amusing comments on that; a sports academy school where she watched\u00a0 students practising traditional Chinese dance [T’ai chi ch’uan<\/em>] using cutlasses, poles and other unlikely items; visiting beautiful old temples, and the\u00a0 nearby town, Zhangye<\/a>.\u00a0 \u00a0She comments on the land of which every inch is farmed and concludes that they are gradually trying to be environmentally sound.\u00a0<\/p>\n

March 8th<\/sup> sees her with new-found friend Liu Guozhong, who works closely with a number of co-op groups around Shandan<\/a> and later she goes out with friends to a karaoke room.\u00a0 The latter is a \u2018must read<\/a>\u2019<\/strong>!<\/p>\n

10th<\/sup> March<\/a> and Natalie is out to dinner with neighbours and learns about the \u2018Cultural Revolution\u2019, white wine and the delights of caterpillar and fungus additions\u00a0[at $50,000 a pound]\u00a0to it!<\/p>\n

14th<\/sup> March<\/a> and lessons in cooking, visits to historical temples and a course of acupuncture are the order of the day – all fascinating subjects and worth checking out.<\/p>\n

March 18th<\/sup> gives us a synopsis of her stay in Shandan to-date<\/strong> with very amusing comments.\u00a0 Another must-read<\/strong><\/a> and very funny, e.g:<\/p>\n