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NZCFS Tauranga AGM Report 2011


NZCFS Tauranga Branch

Presidents Report March 2011

2010, 2011 has provided the Branch with a variety of interesting and enriching activities and projects.


In May John Hodgson and I attended the CFS National Conference in Hamilton, as delegates. Peter Cornwall joined us, and Margaret Cooper was on the National Exec.

The Conference had a new format, that I found beneficial, especially to increase our knowledge of some of the awesome work being done in NZ on behalf of the Chinese people, and also hearing from various Chinese people about being new immigrants was very enlightening.

 I would encourage you all to experience a National Conference and have your eyes opened to the wide variety of work being done by the CFS. John Hodgson will attend this year.

We hosted the Youxie delegation, who had attended the National Conference. They were in Tauranga for such a short time, but thanks to the generosity of Branch members and committee, they had a pot luck meal at the Meldrum’s home. The next morning they had a tour of the area, with John Hodgson and Peter Cornwall, followed by a wonderful powhiri by Tauranga Intermediate students and morning tea at their school.

The day progressed to the Mayoral office for lunch and further discussions re our business connections with China. It was very bad weather that day, and John and Peter ended up hosting them while waiting for a flight with good NZ Fish and Chips.


Some of the activities of the Branch this year have included:

Shirley Shilling was our guest at our June mid winter lunch meeting, she spoke about her grandfather Chu Chong, who immigrated to New Zealand to work in the gold fields, and became respected for his exporting of fungus to China. We welcomed Hamilton branch members to this meeting.

Our July meeting, Gray Southern of the United Nations addressed us, this was a joint meeting with UN

In August, Mike Bibby and Murray Hill gave a presentation on the growth of China

At our September meeting Robert Mangham Principal Tga Boys College on Trade Expo Shanghai

In November, Carol Anderson spoke about her role as Leader of the YMCA Resettlement Programme

I attended the Regional CFS meeting in Hamilton, the focus of which was the Godwits journey to China from Miranda and how we can help maintain their existence. Also how to attract young members.

Our end of year Christmas lunch, featured RickyBalfour a dedicated local violinist.

We have supported: Maos last dancer, and Madam Butterfly by the Nanchang Friendship Trust

                                    Margot Mary Cornwall Award, Linda from Beijing will study in                           

                                    Canterbury, this year.

                                    Lynette Parlane from priority One for prominent persons tour to China

                                    Ricky Balfour a Tauranga up and coming violinist

Donations to:             Chinese Miners families $100         He Ming Qing $200

Future activities for the branch:

Michele to be our web person for the Tauranga Branch, to administer the National site for local info

Support to Tauranga City Council and our celebration of 25 years of  the Tauranga -.Yantai sister City relations.. Our branch hopes to support an exhibition at the Creative Tauranga site, exhibiting gifts that have been given to the city over the years so local Chinese families and our community can view them.

If any member has art or something of interest like kite flying, Chinese writing the committee would be pleased to hear from you, as there may be a week of celebration in June.


I would like to thank everyone who has supported me as President since 2008, Peter and I have been members of the Branch since 1990, over 21years I have seen the many changes, originally our Branch was involved in supporting locals who wanted to visit China, now locals can book and visit without the need for our support. Where to next?

2012 will see the 60th anniversary of the China Friendship Society in NZ, and this will be an opportunity for the Tauranga Branch to have a wider focus, which may encourage new growth.

I wish to advise Branch members, that I will not be standing for election of any position on the committee, at this election, but will remain as a member at large of the Tauranga Branch.

 I wish the Branch every success as it journeys forward and finds new purpose.



Rosanne Groom

Branch President 2010