Honorary Patron: Simon Deng Li MNZMThe Simon Deng Li Art and Cultural Exchange Fund, (DENG FUND) began in 2012. It assists the New Zealand China Friendship Society (NZCFS) to set up cultural exchanges between the two countries, especially those involving young people. Initially the fund was promised for five years, but thanks to the generosity of Mr Deng, it has continued in subsequent years on a similar basis.
Simon Deng Li (MNZM) committed 200,000 rmb, paid each year in September, to assist projects selected by the executive of NZCFS. These projects need to comply with the objectives of the DENG fund and NZCFS. Deng_Fund_Guidelines_2019.
Through the generosity of Simon Deng Li, hundreds of young New Zealanders and their families and friends have developed fuller knowledge and understanding of Chinese people and
their arts and culture. It works two ways, with young people from China spending time with NZCFS branches, schools, families, and institutions. This then spreads throughout the communities of the project recipients through presentations and reporting. Lifetime friendships are set up and
international understanding is enhanced.
Summaries of all projects completed or registered since 2012 follow, starting from themost recent. Fuller reports on most projects are available by using the links provided.Read More
A 2017s project sent Kiwis to China
Exhibitions, performances, publications of all kinds including but not limited to books, films and new media that advance friendship and understanding between the two countries will be funded, and educational and youth exchanges which aim to promote China-New Zealand friendship will be considered by the vetting and administration committee.