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Hawke's Bay Branch

Hawke's Bay Branch

Hawkes Bay members visit Hamilton May 2018

Report from Heiko Lade Every year the New Zealand China Friendship Society holds their annual conference and AGM in a different location in...

Hawke’s Bay Young Musicians China Trip 16-27 April 2018

A group of 7 young musicians from the Hawke's Bay Orchestral Society and 7 adults completed a tour of 4 cities in China during the April sch...

Lanterns at Cornwall Park

Don’t miss the stunning display of new lotus lanterns, traditional Chinese silk lanterns, and the lighting of trees accompanied by classical...

Hawke’s Bay Branch celebrates the Lantern Festival

The Hawke's Bay Branch celebrated the Lantern Festival by having dinner at Delight Plus in Napier. Over a dozen members attended and enjoyed...

NZCFS Promotes the Society at EIT

The National Secretary (Simon Appleton) and Branch President (Amy Tanabe) promoted NZCFS during the student orientation day at EIT. Student...