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Nelson Branch President’s Report – February, 2016


The Nelson Branch President’s Report, as presented by President Ferry van Mansum at the AGM on 14 February, 2016, is also available as a PDF at: NZCFSNelsonPresidentsReportFeb16.pdf


New Zealand China Friendship Society Inc. – Nelson Branch

NZCFS NelsonPresident: Ferry van Mansum 

Phone: 03 538 0344      email: [email protected]  

Secretary: Barbara Markland 

Phone: 03 544 4712      email: [email protected]


President’s Annual Report for 2015

It is my pleasure to present the 25th Annual Report for the Nelson Branch of the New Zealand China Friendship Society.


1. Membership 

The membership consists of 79 singles, couples and life members and 6 schools/institutions, possibly the second biggest branch in the country. Our well-presented newsletter is sent out by email to 243 addresses and 17 postal addresses.


2. Branch Meetings

The eight well-attended meetings were held on the last Friday of each month at Hearing House, 345 Trafalgar Street, Nelson. The topics were varied, interesting and attractively presented with slideshow presentations. 

February 22: AGM and Chinese New Year Banquet, Eastern Cuisine, Richmond

March 27: Changing classrooms in China: Christine Ward

April 24: Journeys in Art: local artists and members, Jifang Black and Rosalina McCarthy

June 26: NMIT-China programme and kindergartens in Huangshi: Jane and Ian Lister

July 31: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): John Black and Mark Soper

August 28: A year at the Shandan Bailie School: Jane Furkert

October 30: On the path of Genghis Kahn: Mongolia and Northern China: Pam Frahm

November 27: The Prominent Persons & Leaders Medical Delegation: Alyson Hobbs and Chris Gaul 


3. Executive Meetings

The Executive Meetings were held every month, before the branch meeting, at the Oriental Restaurant, Hardy Street, Nelson. 


4. National Events

The NZCFS National Conference 2015 was organised by the Nelson branch and had as its theme the title of Rewi Alley’s book “Yo Banfa, There is a way”. It was held from May 22-24, 2015, at the Muritai Centre. Reactions received were: “we have only praise for the organisation, a lovely friendly conference, a great effort by Nelson”.

Nelson was represented by Pam Frahm, Isabelle Jones, Barbara Harford and Sally Warren on the NZCFS Tour to Mongolia and North Central China.

Representation on the 2015 Prominent People and Leaders tour: Alyson Hobbs (Koru Ultrasound) and Chris Gaul (Nursing Programme NMIT).

NW China Handicrafts Cooperatives Delegation, organised by Maurice Alley, visited Nelson with Dave Bromwich (National President, NZCFS), Liu Guozhong (Honorary Member, NZCFS) and three embroiderers: Han Xioqin, Zhu Emu and Zou Huanrong.


5. Local events

The Mayoral trip in April with our mayor Rachel Reese, who visited Huangshi for the first time. Barbara Markland, Gail Collingwood and Bill Findlater were part of the delegation of 11 people and some continued to travel to Yantai and Yangjiang.

Race Unity Day was on 1 March, 2015, to promote NZCFS and the He Ming Qing Scholarship.

Inaugural China Week initiated by Nelson City Council, organised by Nelson Venues with participation of our branch, EDA, Nelson Chinese Association, The Refinery, Confucius Institute and the Chamber of Commerce from August 8-15. The Huangshi mayor re-signed the sister-city agreement. The group of 12 highly skilled artists from Huangshi performed daily for an appreciative audience. The programme was varied with events for businesses, art, sports, film, food, culture and the community, to highlight our relationship with China, Chinese culture and our sister city Huangshi. Consul General Jin Zhijian from Christchurch opened this week together with Mayor Rachel Reese. 

Children’s Chinese Culture Camp July 13-14 at NMIT organised by Christine Ward with leader Qianlan Zhou (Gina), Emma Zhang and 5 other South Island Mandarin Language Assistants. 

Moon Festival celebration held in the Chinese Garden, September 27.

Nelson-Huangshi Art Exchange Project was possible through a generous grant from the Rewi Alley Friendship and Exchange Fund (RAFE) with Christine Ward as Project Director. This exhibition reached and even surpassed its objectives in connecting students from both cities, visits from both mayors, involvement from teachers, performances from Huangshi artists, etc.

Students and teachers from Guang Chang Lu Primary School visited and were hosted by participating Nelson schools.

To honour Past President June Clark, peonies were planted in the Chinese Garden.

Huangshi delegation visited from 15-17 July to prepare for the re-signing of the sister city agreement.


6. Thank you. 

Many people have contributed to the smooth running of the Nelson NZCFS branch throughout this extremely productive year. Especially with the organisation of the very successful National Conference, the committee has put in long hours of meetings to make the event run smoothly. 

Thanks go to: 

Christine Ward, our president until September, who very successfully led the team during the many highlights of the year, Secretary Barbara Markland, Treasurer Royden Smith and the Nelson Branch Executive members for their knowledge, continuous support, time input, volunteering for many tasks and initiatives: Kathy Beatson, Lori Brudvik Lindner, Gail Collingwood, Bill Findlater, Marilyn Gibbs, Jeanette Jones, Lillian Li-Kurtovic, Mark Soper, Bruce Ward, Sally Warren and June Wild.

The Newsletter will have different editors in Bruce Ward and Mark Soper to follow up Royden Smith who developed the branch newsletter to become this informative and attractive source of information over the last 15 years.

Barbara Markland for her role as Sister-City Liaison and who looked after our dinners. 

The MLAs Emma and Gina helped with their language skills and their enthusiasm for teaching.

Christine Ward, Jeanette Jones and Lori Brudvik Lindner continued to support and organise the Chinese Language Camps.

All the members of the branch who are such great company during the monthly meetings and other activities.


Ferry van Mansum


14 February, 2016