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Appo Hocton (NZs first Chinese immigrant) book reprint


New Zealand’s First Chinese Immigrant, Nelson 1842-1920

The Nelson Branch believes the story of Appo Hocton, New Zealand’s first Chinese immigrant naturalised in 1853, deserves to be more widely known. NZCFS Nelson has organised a reprint of this significant book and it is once again available for sale.

The original research was by Steve Austin (Nelson Provincial Museum) and Diana Clark (one of Appo’s descendants), and was sponsored by an Asia 2000 New Zealand Museums Award and the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust. The book was written by Karen Stade and was first published by the Nelson Museum in 2010, followed by a reprint in 2013 after receiving a grant from the Simon Deng Li Fund.

Karen says she quickly became fascinated by Appo’s story. “His is an inspiring chronicle of immigration by someone of an ethnic minority and I developed a huge respect for him. From leaving his homeland and making the long journey to New Zealand, learning a new language, finding work, establishing a business, earning respect, gaining residency, marrying and raising a family, to being described as a gentleman at the time of his death, Appo’s life is truly one of migration, diversity, integration and acceptance.”

  • The price is only $20 each, plus post and packing.
  • Branches may wish to bulk purchase for gifts or resale.
  • Orders can be emailed, to Jane Lister at: [email protected]
  • Please provide name/branch, address, number of copies required.
  • Payment will be arranged via internet banking once orders received and postage and packaging added.