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Chinese Gardens Tour, 25 April to 13 May 2015


This tour has now been completed

With Diana Madgin and Bill Willmott

Chinese Garden
Chinese Garden


Diana and Bill have taken many tours to China, several of them with a Chinese garden theme. Diana is a highly-respected garden writer and speaker and has a specialised knowledge of Chinese Garden design and history.



Diana Madgin and Bill Willmott
Diana Madgin and Bill Willmott

Bill was born in Chengdu, China, to a Canadian missionary family and lived there until he was 17. Chinese was his first language until he was four. Now retired from the Chair of Sociology at the University of Canterbury, Bill’s academic work focused on China and he has been honoured as a Chinese Friendship Ambassador.
They will be supported by NZCFS friends in managing the tour.

This tour will concentrate on visiting three main areas: 

Beijing, Chengdu/Sichuan and Shanghai/Suzhou.

We will visit a range of different garden styles from the three locations, including classic gardens, a water village, public parks, and the bamboo gardens at the panda sanctuary in Chengdu.

Near Chengdu, the tour will also include a visit to a recently opened exhibition of photographs taken by missionaries, a tribute from the Chinese government that recognises the compassionate support freely given by the Canadian Mission in the first half of the twentieth century, especially in the areas of health and education. Bill’s family feature prominently here. 

Fully escorted from New Zealand, the price includes twin-share, 4✭ accommodation, all meals and tips, and domestic travel in NZ, but excludes personal insurance and visa.  $7,300 (estimated price only, subject to cost increases and exchange rate fluctuations).

Tour Name: Chinese Gardens Tour

Dates: 25 April to 13 May 2015

Tour Duration: 18 days

Tour Type: Fully escorted

Cost:$7,300 per person

Itinerary:  Chinese Gardens Tour 25 April-13 May 2015