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Commemoration of Rewi Alley’s 124th Birthday


This event was held in the Rewi Alley public reserve located in Totaravale, on Auckland’s North Shore on Thursday 2nd December 2021 at 10:30 am

In spite of being a very wet morning earlier, and then remaining very blustery during the event, we had a good turnout of about 25 members and supporters including several leaders in the Auckland Chinese community.

Particularly significant this year was the attendance of three members of the Kaipatiki Local Board (an important community arm of Auckland’s Local Government). All three members gave well-researched speeches and, subsequently, we secured their support for the Local Board to commit to an upgrade and improvement of the area surrounding Lu Bo’s bronze bust of Rewi Alley. This will be done in the Board’s 2022-2023 financial year in time for the 125th celebrations. Last week, we received advice from the Deputy Chair of the Board that the Board has formally agreed to proceed with the work in consultation with the Auckland Branch.