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Make Your Trip Count: Volunteer To Help Children Fight Medical Battles in China

In China, medical specialists see over 200 patients every single day. They are overworked and cannot keep up with the number of patients who need them. Sadly, a large number of these patients include small children. If you want to make your trip to China truly count, consider partaking in charity work to help the children who need it most. Even the great Aristotle said “The essence of life is to serve others and do good”.

What Type of Help is Needed?

In China, the field of medicine partially adheres to the country’s tradition and partially takes on modern scientific findings. It’s unique system could be beautiful, but China is currently in a healthcare crisis. With the medical crisis in China, doctors are limited and patients come in large quantities. Volunteers are needed in hospitals and rehabilitation centres around the country to help children before, during, and after their hospital stays. Medical professional volunteers are needed, but so are people from all work fields and walks of life.

In medical centres, volunteers can visit with young patients and deliver gifts of games, toys, books, food, clothing, or blankets. Volunteers can stay for play time or even knit sweaters for the children in need as well. Before and after these children undergo their medical treatments, help is needed at rehabilitation and support centres. These homes take volunteers to help with play time and various classes such as music, art, toddler class, and even baby sign language class. These programs cannot run without the help of volunteers.

Where Can You Help?

The Heart to Heart Shanghai Center is almost completely staffed by volunteers. The helpers work to provide services for children both before and after their medical procedures take place. The volunteer work happens both inside of a hospital and at a children’s medical centre. To volunteer with this charity, you will need to either fill out an online registration form or send the staff an email. It would be best to complete this step before going on your trip. You will then be able to begin collecting items or knitting sweaters to deliver, or you can call to be placed on a volunteer schedule for the centre’s daily play time.

The Shanghai Healing Home is a hospital-based charity that is in need of volunteers to help children during their medical stays. In order to be able to help at their centre, volunteers must begin by filling out an online registration form. After filling out the form, volunteers attend a mandatory orientation. Once this orientation is completed, volunteer work is available on a regular basis. Helpers can call to get their names put on the schedule for the week.

How Much of the Trip Should be Spent Volunteering?

The answer to this question is completely up to you. If you would like to volunteer for your entire trip, the charities would be glad to have you. If you would like to spend most of your time exploring the country and give one day’s time to the children in need, your help will still be greatly appreciated. No matter how much time you spend volunteering, your efforts will make a difference.

If giving more meaning to your trip to China sounds like an intriguing option, consider reaching out to one of the organisations above. Your help will make a difference and you will come home with the feeling that you truly made your trip count.