I feel that this has been a busy year for the Branch – but I’m also very conscious that I’m on a steep learning curve. Indeed, the Branch has depended heavily on its more experienced leadership, Christine Strickland in particular, in keeping the show on the road. I can’t emphasise too strongly how much I have depended on them during the year. I do believe that one of the Branch’s greatest assets is the quality and commitment of the Committee.
We owe a strong vote of gratitude to two valuable committee members who are now stepping down, our Secretary Bruce Asher and Treasurer Doreen Launder. Their roles have been two of the most demanding in our Branch. In recognition of his longstanding service to the Society, it is being proposed that Ben Fon be made a Life Member. Congratulations Ben. But we do have some new blood as well and appreciate the willingness of Graham Gibbs, Annette Meates and Eugenie McCabe, to come on board during this past year and take on key jobs on the Committee.
Branch Activities
The Branch, with a total membership of 144, has had many informative and well-attended meetings during the year:
- January 2013 Chinese New Year Banquet
- March 2013 Dr Jian Yang, Member of Parliament
- April 2013 Chris Elder, Former Ambassador and Editor of New Zealand’s China Experience
- May 2013 Awhina Tamarapa, Te Papa Curator GTaonga Maori
- June 2013 Dave Bromwich, National President, NZ China Friendship Society
- July 2013 Dr Luo Hui, Director, Confucius Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Whose Soft Power?
- August 2013 Inside Red China – showing of this iconic early film and discussion
- September 2013 China National Day Banquet co-hosted with other Wellington Chinese organisations
- September 2013 Lynda Chanwai-Earle, Democratising Mainstream Media – the responsibility of writers and journalists
- October 2013 Chris Roberts, WCC, Chinese Tourism in New Zealand
- November 2013 Pat Stuart, Chief Executive, Museums Trust, Heartland China
Mandarin Corner
After careful consideration, it was decided to accept the offer of the Confucius Institute to take over the running and management of Mandarin Corner. Ellen Yang deserves the wholehearted gratitude of the Branch for the time and effort she has put into Mandarin Corner over the years. The Branch will continue to be involved in the Mandarin Corner.
Participation in Delegations to China
Branch members played a leading role in delegations to China during the year. These included:Participation in the NZCFS delegation that visited Chuxiong in July
Participation in the Prominent Persons Tour in September (led by Bernie Richmond, Immediate Past President of the Wellington Branch)
Two members selected as the NZCFS participants in the footsteps of Rewi Alley Tour in November
Partnership with Te Papa, National Museum
Collaboration with Te Papa has grown from strength to strength (from cooperation over the return of the Mao cloak to becoming Te Papa’s Education Partner for two major Chinese exhibitions coming to Te Papa this year). The latest collaboration will bring many children to view the exhibits. This partnership with Te Papa gives the Society exposure to the tens of thousands of domestic and international visitors of all age groups to Te Papa.
Relations with the Chinese Embassy
It has always been a priority for the Wellington Branch to maintain a cooperative relationship with the Chinese Embassy. We have appreciated enormously the assistance and cooperation which the Embassy itself extended to the Society.
We appreciated very much the support Ambassador Xu Jianguo gave the Society throughout his term as Ambassador in New Zealand.
And we were pleased to welcome Ambassador Wang Lutong this year and were able to honour him, and Ms Yuan Yuan and Ms Han Lixin of the Embassy’s Cultural Section, at the Branch’s Chinese New Year Banquet. We look forward to the Ambassador addressing the Branch shortly.
2014 Year of the Horse
It was a pleasure to celebrate the new Year of the Horse in the company of the Society’s Patron, Hon Philip Burdon, the Chinese Ambassador and the Deputy Mayor of Wellington. My best wishes for a healthy and prosperous year to all our members.
Michael Powles
Branch President