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Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to Commemorate the 126th Anniversary of the Birth of Kathleen Hall


In order to let more New Zealanders know about Kathleen Hall, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between New Zealand and China and the 126th anniversary of Kathleen Hall’s birth, the New Zealand China Friendship Society and the New Zealand Academy of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting launched the opening of the “Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to Commemorate the 126th Anniversary of the Birth of Kathleen Hall” on Saturday, 26 November 2022 at the Rewi Alley Memorial Hall in Auckland, 76 – 78 Symonds Street. This event was also supported by over 20 Auckland-based businesses and associations.

Chen Shijie, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland, Minister Counsellor Ye Su, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in New Zealand, Auckland City Councillor Mike Lee, NZCFS Immediate Past President Dave Bromwich, NZCFS Vice President (Northern) & Chair of He Mingqing Scholarship Committee Miao Fan attended the event and gave a speech. Minister Counsellor Ye Su read the speech from Ambassador Wang. NZCFS National President Chris Lipscombe, Michael Crook, Chair of Gung Ho-ICCIC and Executive Vice President Zhang Qian, Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries attended and gave speeches via Zoom.

Over 70 people attended the Opening ceremony, including artists from the New Zealand Academy of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, representatives from Auckland-based businesses and associations and their family and friends. Our society also had friends and supporters joining via Zoom.

He Mingqing (Kathleen Hall), a New Zealand-Chinese ambassador of friendship, was sent to China in 1923 as a missionary. She helped to set up hospitals and clinics to treat diseases and injuries for the people in impoverished mountainous areas. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, she transported medicines and equipment and treated the wounded for the Eighth Route Army.

Over 40 pieces of artwork are exhibited. The works of this exhibition have a distinct theme and rich connotation. The calligraphers and painters expressed their reverence and affectionate remembrance of He Mingqing with carefully created calligraphy and paintings.

Christine Ross, Kathleen’s great-niece, commissioned and paid NZ$5,000.00 for one of the oil paintings. She wishes to keep the painting for her family and also wants to support the He Mingqing Scholarship so that we can sponsor more Chinese nursing students.

The exhibition runs until 5 December 2022. At a later date, these artworks will be exhibited throughout New Zealand. When time permits, the artists will also have them exhibited in China.