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The first Society Youth Internship has been awarded


The Society has established an “NZCFS Youth Internship” following the recent study for the Society by Inès Roth le Gentil where she suggested several initiatives for young people. It is open to young New Zealanders to engage in activity in China with a view to providing closer co-operation in a range of activities between the two countries.
The Youth Internship is aimed at offering a complementary opportunity to engage deeply in Chinese society in line with NZCFS’s principle mission; “building new friendships on solid foundations”, rather than awarding scholarships for Chinese language study, or youth exchanges, which are through other channels.

2013 is the first year such an internship has been offered, and it has been awarded to Charles John Rowe (BA, BSc, DipLang), a 24 year-old graduate of the University of Otago.

The Society's first Youth Intern, Charles John Rowe (BA, BSc, DipLang), a 24 year-old graduate of the University of Otago
The Society’s first Youth Intern, Charles John Rowe (BA, BSc, DipLang), a 24 year-old graduate of the University of Otago

He intends to investigate the potential for Chinese investment in Maori business projects (especially in agricultural and fisheries) and determine how such projects differ in terms of the New Zealand public’s reaction to each of them (comparing the reactions with those to other Chinese investment projects such as the purchase by Shanghai Pengxin of the Crafar Farms).

He will also research how New Zealanders react to Chinese investment when the areas (land or sea) where these investments occur, are held in perpetuity by Maori trusts or Iwi organisations.
To achieve these ends, before leaving for China, he intends to interview several key Maori business leaders, and representatives of the newly established New Zealand China Council 新西兰-中国关系促进委员会 (Xinxilan Zhongguo Guanxi Cujin Weiyuanhui).

The 2013 Internship is for $5000, and can be used to cover international airfares, visa costs, insurances, travel requirements in China, daily expenses in China, and any other essential costs, eg: translation/interpreting, that are identified by the applicant.

Charles is aware of these constraints of finance, but having contacts with Beijing’s Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (which he attended in 2012), China National Committee for Pacific Economic Co-operation, as well as Government departments and the Chinese Press, he has been able to work out the costs of the project and use his influence with the above bodies to prepare an effective schedule.

Once in Beijing, he will follow up with contacts he listed in his application and meet with Tsinghua University School of Economics staff to discuss the issue and review any new developments of similar situations in the Americas.
Then, it’s off to Shanghai to meet with Shanghai Pengxin staff, discuss the issue with the NZ Trade and Enterprise Office there and from thence, follow any good leads.

On his return, he will meet with New Zealand Government officials for comment as well as relevant politicians or their representatives from all the major political parties for a brief discussion on the issue. Before finally submitting a paper on the subject, he will seek peer review from several university professors and other government bodies.

It is hoped that this project will stimulate more positive public and political debate on the issue and raise awareness of Maori business initiatives involving Chinese investment.

The NZCFS wish Charles a fruitful trip and a positive outcome to his Internship.

To view the guidelines for this 2013 Internship click HERE.

NZCFS are actively developing further initiatives for young New Zealanders to engage with China. We now have a youth subcommittee to manage this. Young New Zealanders are invited to contact Sylvia Yang [email protected] to register interest in this programme.

Teri France, Feb 2013