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The Rewi Alley Spirit

Changting, also known as Tingzhou, in Fujian province, China.
Changting, also known as Tingzhou, in Fujian province, China.


On December 2nd, at several locations in New Zealand and across China, people joined in celebrating the 126th anniversary of the birth of famous New Zealander and old friend of China, Rewi Alley. While some are content to preserve his memory, the New Zealand China Friendship Society is keen to ensure that Rewi Alley’s spirit lives on.

National President Chris Lipscombe recorded two speeches to be shown at two separate events over the weekend, one in China and the second in New Zealand. The first was for a seminar on the Rewi Alley spirit at Changting, also known as Tingzhou, in Fujian province, organised by the International Committee for the promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (Gonghe).

The second was for a celebration of Rewi Alley’s birthday organised by the Auckland Branch of the New Zealand China Friendship Society, placing Rewi Alley in the context of New Zealanders making a difference.