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Mural of Rewi’s life, Bailie Square – Lanzhou, Gansu province


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The mural as a backdrop to troops of dancers, Bailie Square, Lanzhou

Type of monument:  Mural

Location:  Bailie Square, Lanzhou, Gansu province

Google Earth view:

Locations in Lanzhou: Statue of Rewi Alley with Children + Mural of his life – Bailie Square. Busts of Rewi Alley and George Hogg – Lanzhou City University

GPS co-ordinates:   N 36.10011  E 103.74256

Cost:  No cost to view

Access:  Free access.  The square can be filled with line-dancing groups in the early evening, often 3 or 4 groups competing with different music and moves.

Bailie Square is the end of the line for buses #15 and #131, approximately 45 minutes ride from the centre of the city.  Both these buses run along the banks of the Yellow River, #131 on the north bank and #15 on the south bank.  The buses go past the popular tourist attraction of the Zhongshan bridge, which is an obvious landmark to orientate yourself by.
Buses are frequent, the last bus is listed on each bus-stop sign; usually about 10pm.

Website:  None

For the text of the plaque recounting Rewi’s life, in Chinese and English, click HERE

Rewi Alley’s China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi province > Gansu province > Shandan > Lanzhou > Zhangye >

This article is based on a report by Jane Furkert of her work: ‘An Independent Travellers’ Guide to Rewi Alley Locations in China, 2016’, that was funded by the Rewi Alley Friendship and Exchange (RAFE) Fund.