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Rewi’s apartment in Shanghai – from 1932 to 1937


Rewi Alley’s China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi provinceGansu province >  Shandan > 

Plaque at Rewi Alley’s Shanghai apartment

Type: Plaque

Location:  Building 4, 1315 Yuyuan Rd, Shanghai

Google Earth view of location: Google Earth view of locations of Rewi Alley’s apartment house, the Historic People Walk and the Exhibit  

GPS co-ordinates:     N31 13.320   E121 25.182

Cost:    No cost to view

Access:     Find number 1315 YuYuan Road, and walk into the alley – the plaque on Rewi’s house is easily spotted.  Only the outside of the apartment block can be viewed – inside the apartments are occupied by private tenants.  

The nearest Metro station is Jiangsu Road, Line 2. 

Website:   None

The building was originally only three floors not four.  The fourth one was added after the Cultural Revolution – the end-of-row house is representative of the old style.

The plaque next to the steps up to Rewi’s residence reads:

Rewi Alley’s formal residence place

From 1932 to 1937, New Zealand Friend Rewi Alley lived in this place.  During this period of time, he did an enormous work to help China’s Revolution.  Use this stone for memorising him forever.

Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

China “Three S” Investigation Association (Shanghai branch)

April 1988 


一九三二年至一九三七年,新西兰友好人士路易。艾黎(REWI ALLEY)曾居住此地。这一期间,他为中国革命做了大量工作,特勒石永誌紀念。                                                  




Rewi Alley’s China > Beijing > Shanghai > Hubei province > Shaanxi provinceGansu province >  Shandan > 

This article is based on a report by Jane Furkert of her work: ‘An Independent Travellers’ Guide to Rewi Alley Locations in China, 2016’, that was funded by the Rewi Alley Friendship and Exchange (RAFE) Fund.