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17-19 June 2022 – NZCFS National Conference & AGM



Recent Updates:

This year’s National Conference and AGM will be held in central Auckland. The venue for the entire conference weekend, including the Friday afternoon workshop, Friday evening drinks, the National Conference on the Saturday, and the AGM on Sunday is:

NZ Bailie Training Base
UUNZ Tower
76-78 Symonds Street
Auckland Central

The Friday afternoon workshop, Friday evening drinks, and the AGM on Sunday will be held in the Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall, Level 2. The National Conference on Saturday will be held in the Bailie Room, on the same level.

Conference attendees are asked to be seated inside the auditorium by 8.50 am. VIPs, speakers and panellists will gather outside the entrance to the auditorium, from where they will be  welcomed into the auditorium at 9.00 am by members of the NZ China Māori Friendship Trust.

Dates: 17 – 19 June 2022



“What do friends do? Renewing and enhancing NZ China friendship in difficult times.”

This follows last year’s theme “What it means to be a friend of China”.

Please book accommodation early, and ensure that they can be cancelled as it is possible that this may need to be converted to an online meeting. Use your preferred booking app or we hope to provide some recommendations soon.

Also, please make travel arrangements at your earliest convenience, while fares are still reasonable.

For those attending from Auckland, there are a number of parking lots and secure parking facilities available within easy walking distance of the venue. For those coming from out of town, hotel accommodation is available close by in Queen Street and Mayoral Drive. Apartment accommodation can also be found directly behind the venue in Whitaker Place.

Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall
Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall


Registration for the 2022 NZCFS Annual Conference & AGM is no longer available.

Final Programme

Last updated: 12/06/2022
Download as a pdf

Friday 17 June

Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall
76-78 Symonds Street, Central Auckland

1.00–2.00 pm NZCFS National Executive Meeting
Final meeting of the outgoing National Executive
2.00–5.00 pm Youth Workshop

2.00–3.00 pm Presentations by alumni from educational tours to China

3.00–3.15 pm  Afternoon tea

3.15–4.30 pm Q&A/Brainstorm

4.30–5.00 pm Introduction and tour of Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall

5.00–7.00 pm Registration opens

  • Welcome
  • Guest speaker Cr Paul Young
  • Drinks and canapés

Saturday 18 June

Bailie Room,
Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall
76-78 Symonds Street, Central Auckland

8.00–9.00 am Registrations continue.
9.00-9.20 am Mihi whakatau by members of NZ China Māori Friendship Charitable Trust (Chin-Māo) and welcome by MCs Sylvia Yang and George Andrews.
9:20–10.10 am Keynote Speeches
Presentations by NZCFS National President Dave Bromwich, China Ambassador H.E. Dr Wang Xiaolong, and NZCFS Patron Hon Sir David Carter KNZM.
10.10-10.25 am Video message from National Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)
10.25-10.30 am Photograph with VIPs in Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall
10.30-10.50 am Morning tea
10.50–11.40 am Youth Experiences
Report from Friday workshop, followed by panel discussion and questions from the floor. Panellists Dani and Tee Hao-Aickin, Laura Carter, and Jake Law.
11.40–11.55 pm Presentation by Naisi Chen, Labour MP and NZ Chinese Language Week trustee.
11.55–12.15 pm Entertainment from Dani and Tee Hao-Aickin performing as Ersha Island
12.15–12.20 pm Group photograph (speakers, panellists and attendees from morning session).
12.20–1.30 pm Lunch
1.30–2.30 pm Business Insights
Panel discussion and questions from the floor. Panellists David Mahon (Executive Chairman, Mahon China Investments, via Zoom from Beijing), Trevor Johnston (supply chain assurance expert), Charlie Gao (Director, North Asia CAPE), and Jessica Miao (Founder and CEO, UMS).
2.30–2.50 pm Beijing CPAFFC via Zoom
2.50–3.10 pm Entertainment from Hundred Flowers Art Troupe
3.10-3.30 pm Afternoon tea
3.30-3.45 pm Presentation by Melissa Lee, National MP and Spokesperson for Broadcasting and Media, Digital Economy and Communications, and Ethnic Communities
3.45-4.30 pm Media Perspectives
  Panel discussion and questions from the floor. Panellists Andy Boreham (news editor and columnist for Shanghai Daily, via Zoom from Shanghai), Rod Oram (NZ-based business journalist), and Liam Dann (business editor at large, NZ Herald).
4.30–4.50 pm Closing remarks from John McKinnon, former Ambassador to China and Chair of NZ China Council.
4.50–4.55 pm Final comments from MCs Sylvia Yang and George Andrews.
4.55–5.00 pm Group photograph (speakers, panellists and attendees from afternoon session).
6.30–9.00 pm Conference Banquet

Venue: Dragon Boat Restaurant, 7 Elliott Street, Auckland Central

  • Welcome
  • Speeches
  • Table seating

Sunday 19 June

Rewi Alley Commemoration Hall
76-78 Symonds Street, Central Auckland

9.00–12.00 NZCFS AGM
12.00–1.30 Lunch (own arrangements)
1.30–3.00 NZCFS National Executive Meeting

Inaugural meeting of the new National Executive