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Wellington June Newsletter 2019


Dear Friends

Attached is the NZ China Friendship Society (Wgtn branch) June 2019 Newsletter.

Please note in the Newsletter:

1. Monthly Branch Meeting – NO meeting in June

Instead of our usual Branch meeting at Connolly Hall, members are invited to attend: Dr Elizabeth Economy speaking on Xi Jinping’s Third Revolution and the Future of US-China Relations Venue: Hunter Council Chamber, Hunter Building, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University Time: Wednesday 19 June 2019 at 5.30pm
Please register for free at: https://nzccrc10years.eventbrite.co.nz *

*Note: Places are limited. Act fast, to avoid disappointment.

2. Membership Subs

Membership subscriptions for the 2019 financial year are due. If you are able to become a financial member (and have not already done so) it greatly assists in our ability to run events and other activities. (Membership form and details in Newsletter.)